Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Road Trip Conversation"

Over the past several years, Doug and I have taken lots of road trips together. Of course, starting out, they included three kids in the back seat and most of our entertainment came from singing.  I was just reminded by our friend, (Uncle Jay to my kids) that he still sings "Daisy Daisy . . ." to his kids that he learned while our families traveled to southern Utah together.  As the kids got older, however, singing together was replaced with the kids putting in their head phones listening to their "own" tunes or watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off on their ipod!  

Now, it's just the two of us - our travel includes a little reading and crossword puzzles--however the problem is this:  Doug's a visual guy.  I say, "Okay . . . four letters.  Starts with C ends with E."  Easy enough, right?  No, he's gotta look over and SEE it in the boxes. Keeping his eyes on the road becomes a problem, so yeah, at that point we move on to good ol' "road trip conversation."

Most of what topics come up are things we'd like to do--places we'd like to go.  Wouldn't it be cool if . . .

We talk about places we might like to live . . . the accomplishments and struggles of our kids . . . bless their little hearts . . . and of course, most of our conversation fits in the great little phrase "wouldn't it be cool if . . . "

One of our many "wouldn't-it-be-cool-if's" included a perfect little road trip in which we stop at one of our favorite places . . . paint . . . eat . . . relax . . . then travel a little further to another favorite place . . . paint . . . eat  . . . see the sights and move on again!

8 x 10
One of these road trips might start in one of our favorite little places with lots of our favorite people!  Helper!  Stay a day or two, then travel a couple of hours on down through Torrey, take in the red rocks and surroundings of Capitol Reef National Park.  After a couple of days, travel on over the Boulder Mountain where we catch the colors of the quakies just as they're turning yellow and red.  From Boulder, maybe take in the Burr Trail and then meander our way through the Grand Staircase Escalante, catch the beautiful Calf Creek on the way over and land in Escalante (my home town).  Doug paints while I "vist" with cousins galore (definition of vist:  a word used by Grandma Griffin to converse across the kitchen table.  "Oh, how we did vist 'n vist . . . 'n that thare . . ."  can you just hear it?)

"Calf Creek Castles"
8 x 10
From Escalante, travel on over through the spectacular Red Canyon State Park and then end in the breathtaking Bryce Canyon National Park.  Sounds like the perfect painting trip, doesn't it?  So perfect, in fact, that I took it a step further.  I seriously planned out a nine-day workshop taking in all those places.  So yeah, I have appointed myself chief tour guide in charge of accommodations, entertainment and goodies, and have wisely appointed Doug head instructor.  (I don't miss a trick, do I?)  

"Class Demo"
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I have a more detailed itinerary posted and have gone ahead made reservations for us (definition of Us:  Doug and I and 10 students who want to come along!)  Starting September 23, 2011, we will meet in Helper Utah and let the "Southern Utah Tour la Plein Air" begin!!  I have negotiated some great rates at some quaint little hotels and some beautiful grand hotels.  May even sneak in a rustin dutch oven dinner at a cabin on Boulder Mountain with some fun entertainment!  Check out the itinerary and let me know what you think!  All I know is . . . #twenty_eleven_best_road_trip_ever!

Click here for itinerary:  Workshop Itinerary

Jim & Kim Wachter - Doug's Sedona hosts
Drawing by Robert Goldman
Doug had a fabulous time in Sedona thanks to some wonderful hosts, Jim and Kim Wachter.  Doug couldn't stop talking about how great they were.  He was most appreciative of their genuine hospitality--catering to his every need.  You definitely spoiled him, folks--he's impossible to live with now!  haha  Seriously, thanks so much for your kindness and care!  

Also thanks to one of Doug's students, Ruthie Feldman and her teacher, Bob Goldman, for visiting Doug and "capturing" him while he was painting.  Also, thanks to Ruthie for keeping me "fed" with Doug's latest wet paint!   Below are some of his Sedona paintings.

"Downtown Jerome"
12 x 16
"Life Partners"
8 x 10
"Dry Creek"
12 x 16
"Castle Rock"
12 x 16
"Surf's Up"
12 x 16

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We are now here at the Zion's Plein Air Invitational and having a fabulous time.  We couldn't have ordered better weather and we're rubbing shoulders with a fabulous group of artist's!  I will post paintings of Zions very soon!!

Road trip conversation is the best . . . just sayin . . .

