Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Rock" Star!

And the "tour la plein air" continues and if I don't hustle and keep up, I'm going to miss some great stories to tell you!!

I started my 1100 mile weekend road trip Friday afternoon when I headed to Boulder Mountain to hook up for a great weekend in the Bryan and SueLyn family cabin on Boulder Mountain.  With no phone or internet coverage, it is pretty secluded and remote.  Luckily, Jade had been keeping Doug company and giving Doug someone to talk to, who doesn't talk back, besides the cows and wild turkeys in the field.

Jade got some privileges that she normally doesn't get.  She got to go on a motorcycle ride tucked inside Doug's backpack and turned around so she was "sitting and facing" front!  With her head poking out of the back pack and the 60 mph winds blowing in her "smiling" face, Doug got many nods and thumbs up as he passed tourists traveling the Boulder mountain terrain.

She also thoroughly enjoyed being "perched" on the front porch holding ever so still watching for the slightest movement in the pine trees.  Watching her head jerk back and forth as she'd see movement from a squirrel or bird kept us in stitches.

I'd almost forgotten how much fun Doug and I have when we get together and we're not stressing about "getting stuff done" in the day-to-day routine.  Just chillin' and relaxing was great fun and we laughed all weekend!

His paintings reinforced his title of "Rock Star" literally.  He paints rocks like nobody's business!

"Modern Day Cowboy"
Love how he showed the magnitude of the mountains by putting in a vehicle driving along that skinny road.  A nice couple stopped to see what he was painting and sent him this picture they snapped of him along the way!  


"Base Camp"
Up on Boulder Mountain, the hunters are starting to scout out their places for the big hunt.  This is a typical sight on Boulder Mountain.  Love it!!!

"Boulder Roller Coasters"

The week of plein air painting ended with him receiving a "your-painting-is-ALMOST-the-best-painting-here Award!"  He was, however, fortunate to share one of the two "Merit Awards" with Clay Wagstaff for a close second!

There were some great painters there and we had a great time rubbing shoulders with them.  Listening to some great music, including some very talented locals, including the amazing Mecham Sisters, Quinn and Doneen Griffin, one of my favorite people and cousin, Raymond Shurtz, a playright and phenomenal singer, and fellow artist, Lynn Griffin, (and ALSO a cousin) and his lovely wife Judy.  Also congratulations to Bill Cramer who took home an honorable mention as well as the "artist's choice" award!  This is the painting Doug submitted for the competition.

"Eye Candy"
This painting was done in Torrey - Doug can't get enough of the red hills and desert. 

Here are a couple more paintings he did in Spring City - these are some that didn't make it home with him so he didn't get pictures.  Thanks to friends who sent them to us!  

"Numerous and Varied"

"Tractor Parking"

Doug and I finished our 1100-mile treks (going separate ways) as he headed back north to gather things for his Helper Workshop while I headed even further south to take a painting to Zion's for the Zion's Invitational which we BOTH will be able to attend the first week in November.  

I got to spend a day with my wonderful dad who lives in St. George.  We made the always-familiar trek to Mesquite for a prime rib dinner and dropped a few nickels in the machines!  As we leave, we always are reminded of a saying my grandmother used often!  With a sigh, and as if for a loss of words, "Well, that thare, there'll be some happy ones and some sad ones . . ."  This great phrase was used when referring to a wonderful Christmas morning, a devistating loss on the Price is Right, or at the end of a close Jazz game!  Grandma's sentences, whether the thought was finished or not, always ended in another sigh, a long pause, and then " 'n that thare . . ."  And that was the end of the conversation.  

So I'll stop for now  . . . and we'll talk soon . .  and . . . well . . . . . .  'n that thare . . .  see how that works, really, it's brilliant . . .  


PS - Love to have you share this post with others!  Links below to repost on facebook, twitter or email!  Thanks friends and family!  You're the best!  


  1. Beautiful paintings! What an inspiration Doug's work is. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You blow me away Mr Braithwaite! You get so much out those flat brushes! Bravo!

  3. your signature brushwork is very intriguing,,I think you could go even further with it, exploring shapes even more.....your sense of color amazes me, as well as your visual shorthand, I think your onto something- maybe a 6 month or a several year painting of one particular view
